_____ ___ /\/| ____ ___ _______ __ |_ _/ _ \ |/\/ / ___|_ _|_ _\ \ / / | || | | | | | | | | | \ V / | || |_| | s q u i g g le | |___ | | | | | | |_| \___/ \____|___| |_| |_|
squiggle.city is a unix server in the spirit of tilde.club. It's for making web pages and learning about the command line. If you are reading userland, which is about how to unix, this is a place to explore the ideas it contains.
deep thoughts | the local rag | zorkfun | the arcade
~citizen | title | mtime |
~jbd | Josh Datko's Squiggle City Site | 1743057602 |
~avalyn | avalyn at squiggle dot city | 1740350789 |
~frencil | Frencil's Corner ~ Home | 1619938332 |
~eric | welcome to squiggle city | 1613597211 |
~jovan | welcome to squiggle city | 1593540410 |
~dawnbreeze | flying toaster dreams | 1557250772 |
~aniruddh | Aniruddh Nishad Web Page - squiggle.city | 1556601715 |
~joe | Joe's page | 1533916899 |
~thcipriani | Tyler's Squiggle Times | 1528224206 |
~m455 | m455's cottage on the web | 1517976627 |
~casey | thanks4stopping | 1514999358 |
~rowena | someday is chartreuse | 1485596228 |
~todd | uniontown labs ~ notebook | 1481515228 |
~acg | acg on squiggle | 1480104880 |
~orbb | Emscripten-Generated Code | 1469957848 |
~steven | welcome to squiggle city | 1469663297 |
~ben | ben@crypt.ly | 1467067942 |
~burnedboard | rabble rabble rabble | 1461869012 |
~uninventive | Uninventive With No Directive | 1458414507 |
~lobster | The Lobster Den | 1451711365 |
~brennen | ~brennen (prop., ed., pub., sysop) | 1450423638 |
~randy | Best at room temperature | 1446216629 |
~ericlampton | 1441061013 | |
~mmmpork | welcome to squiggle city | 1436898308 |
~jonny | welcome to squiggle city | 1432359157 |
~willawaw | welcome to squiggle city | 1431996663 |
~gendale | welcome to squiggle city | 1431728906 |
~lainfinity | welcome to squiggle city | 1428355542 |
~el_seano | welcome to squiggle city | 1428087167 |
~pax | hello, server computer! | 1428029220 |
~glowworm | ASIO | 1426641214 |
~tonicorinne | Hello, my name is... | 1423719820 |
~erik | Welcome to ~erik @ squiggle city | 1422828706 |
~stilldavid | stilldavid @ ~C | 1422148887 |
~robacarp | creating osx contacts in a group from a spreadsheet, or something like a contacts-merge, updated 2015-01-15 | 1421340430 |
~dan | dan @ squiggle.city | 1421140534 |
~paper | THE SQUIGGLE.CITY HERALD | 1421050340 |
~norm | welcome to squiggle city | 1421038174 |
~greyhound40 | welcome to squiggle city | 1421038091 |
~imt | ~imt @ squiggle.city | 1420842469 |
~jimblom | 1420663634 | |
~heather | h's page | 1419443954 |
~nallen | "Oh, you're ~nallen me! Cool!" | 1419442744 |
~hord | HORD | 1419316837 |
~cvk | cvk @ squiggle | 1418962884 |
~chrisatthestudy | Alien Sand and the Cry of Strange Birds | 1418834527 |
~jjesse | welcome to squiggle city | 1418832867 |
~ktb | welcome to squiggle city | 1418687595 |
~sasha | ~sasha | 1418682427 |
~koloskus | welcome to squiggle city | 1418430194 |
~purdman | Kevin Purdy's squiggle | 1418307455 |
~wesley | welcome to squiggle city | 1418170833 |
~matt | welcome to squiggle city | 1418169793 |
~isjald | welcome to squiggle city | 1418168602 |
~takosuke | 1418003541 | |
~pukajump | welcome to squiggle city | 1417897459 |
~shungite | welcome to squiggle city | 1417894459 |
~madduck | welcome to squiggle city | 1417894088 |
~apostl3pol | welcome to squiggle city | 1417826521 |
~tobin | welcome to squiggle city | 1417826383 |
~logan | welcome to squiggle city | 1417815250 |
~skotchandsoda | welcome to squiggle city | 1417788356 |
~m3talsmith | ~m3talsmith | 1417735733 |
~star | welcome to squiggle city | 1417724251 |
~skmr | welcome to squiggle city | 1417716845 |
~ab | welcome to squiggle city | 1416845207 |
~ianremsen | welcome to squiggle city | 1416533659 |
~kache2k | welcome to squiggle city | 1416104685 |
~nick | Source file | 1415844460 |
~jenleelind | jenleelind | 1415744281 |
~danlyke | A Curmudgeonly Place | 1415408660 |
~zinefer | 1415335485 | |
~bri_huang | welcome to squiggle city | 1415106171 |
~delio | welcome to squiggle city | 1414794037 |
~leducmills | welcome to squiggle city | 1414790419 |
~trevor | welcome to squiggle city | 1414782228 |
~pearcebot | welcome to squiggle city | 1414782002 |
~mshorter | welcome to squiggle city | 1414781604 |
~mike | I literally can't even.. | 1414779944 |
~nightliz | welcome to nightliz's home on squiggle city | 1414779873 |
~typexawesome | welcome to squiggle city | 1414767745 |
~kirstenrk | welcome to squiggle city | 1414707042 |
~sgmustadio | welcome to squiggle city | 1414705548 |
~sibicle | welcome to squiggle city | 1414704373 |
~drun | welcome to squiggle city | 1414702689 |
~berkay | welcome to squiggle city | 1414382034 |
~fazol | empirical regret | 1414007199 |
~ahava | welcome to squiggle city | 1414006494 |
~skk | welcome to squiggle city | 1413934282 |