I created a C++ program that updates the index.html file here on squiggle.city. This allows me to write posts inside the terminal using Markdown.
I'm especially happy that I got Markdown to work with it.
All I did was find a Markdown to HTML convertor written in bashscript, and link that script file to my program's compiled file. Then, when the time comes, the file is extracted and a Markdown-to-HTML bashscript is created on the fly and used to convert whatever I'm writing here into HTML.
In other words, I can use things like double asterisks ( ) to display text in **bold type and use all other features of Markdown.
I'm too lazy to go back and fix the bugs, so I'm just going to live with this. It took me a long time to get to the bottom of all the bugs, and compiling and linking errors.
I don't know what else to write here, so I'm just going to end this post here.
And, lest I forget, a nod to tradition: Spell-check still doesn't work.
Does this still work?
Still no spellcheck, so I might be mis-spelling so many words.
Peace out!
This is another test
This is a test.
No really, this is indeed a test.
Wow, this is a test.
No really, this is a test.
There is still no spellcheck.
This is a test
This is a test. No really, this is indeed a test.
Wow, this is a test.
No really, this is a test.
There is still no spellcheck.
Third post on squiggle.city (this post is special)
This blog post is special because it was created using a C++ blogging script that I made myself.
It even allows me to use Markdown, so lists are as easy as:
You have no idea of the number of times I have written this third post. The version you will be reading was written when the C++ script was working.
There were countless versions of this blog post that will never see the light of day, because they were destroyed by my (then) malfunctioning C++ script. Just to give you an idea, I have written this post at least five times previously (and unsuccessfully).
I guess the lesson to learn from this is that whenver you see the success of some person, you never know how many times they have failed before this success.
One thing is sure from this blog post: This blogging script is one of the most infamous ways of using C++ as a "script" (i.e., in a "script-like" fashion).
There is no spellcheck.
Second post on squiggle.city
I'm writing this post just to test whether the CSS correctly applies virtual horizontal rules/lines or not.
I'm not using a blogging system or any sort of script to maintain the good HTML of this web page. It's all done by hand... again and again for every post you see here.
First post on squiggle.city
This is the first time I'm changing the default page on squiggle.city.
I'm ready to learn Linux. All I know now is that Debian is for power users, and Ubuntu and other distros are for those who want to primarily use the GUI.